Saturday, 13 December 2014

Working on Christmas gifts...

Christmas is around the corner once again and...once again...I'm in a hurry for make all my Xmas gifts...
Now...I'm working on a special quilt...
I draw it with EQ7, chose and bought all the fabrics and now...I'm making it...
This is a challenge for me  because...lately...I didn't sew so much...
I love make blocks and make tops but...I'm not like Nat...I'm not loving so much the quilting part she scared me a bit...
Sometimes you make great tops and ruin all your work during the  the quilting  because it's not easy quilt the whole top  with a regular sewing machine...
Or at is not easy for me...

So...I decided to try the QAYG method, the quilt as you go method...
This is my very first try so I'm a bit scared but for seems that all is going well...

I've started making the blocks and then quilting them one by one putting just the block and the batting together ...

Then...I'm joing the quilted blocks all together...

Sure in this way it is easier then quilting the whole top...
At the end...when the whole top will be quilted and sewed together...I'll add the backing of the quilt, then I'll bind it and...tadaaa...the quilt will be done!
But now...I'm still working on joining blocks and borders...

I'll keep you posted about my progresses and my other Christmas gifts...
Have you ever tried the QAYG method?
Any suggestions?
Are you working on Christmas gifts too?
Nat and I would love to hear from you all too!!!
See you soon!

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