Sunday, 5 April 2015

Happy Easter !

Hello ! How are you doing ?

Of course Easter is the time for family réunions, chocolates, egg hunt... In addition of that, in Italy and in France (perhaps in your country too ?) it is a longer weekend than usually. It's wonderful, with three days off, we have more time to sew, knit, cook.... !!!

I've finished my blue Topiary scarf. The model is Marilyne a friend of Dany and me and a companion of our visits in Sainte Marie aux Mines for the Carrefour Européen du Patchwork exhibition. She has kindly accepted to wear the scarf so I can take pictures. 

I couldn't stay without having something to knit.  I dived into my   boxes and bags and found a very thin thread (silk and alpaca)  and started a little shawl for the spring. 
It has been knitted in no time.


It is transparent and lightweight. 
I like to wear such little things  on a dress or a blouse. 

You can find the pattern on this site :

 My next knitting project is...... a big scarf, a wrap !!!

I have not pattern. I started with a knitting stitch I found in the book "300 poins de tricot".

The yarn I'm using is the same as  this one I used for the little blue shawl (silk and alpaca) but in a purple color.

I don't know yet if I'll use this stitch for all the wrap or if I'll made strips with several stitches...